Science & Tech

Learn Intelligent Virus Detection Method using your smartphones

Learn Intelligent Virus Detection Method using your smart phones
Learn Intelligent Virus Detection Method using your smart phones

Learn Intelligent Virus Detection Method using your smartphones, The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic caused by novel coronavirus has created unusual challenges for people, government, health agencies, doctors, and everyone globally. The government trying to resolve this pandemic while maintaining social and economic costs. One of the most effective non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPI) was a measure to reduce contact between infected and susceptible individuals through social distancing, restrictions on social events. Closure of schools, colleges, offices, and every other place. But on a large scale detecting such diseases and finding effective measures to resolve the issue is an important challenge for this pandemic.

Now a days everyone is afraid of viruses and from deadly corona virus that has killed lives of millions of people around the globe. As a result of spread of deadly virus, there has been increasing interest in developing innovative methods and tools to detect this virus as soon as possible. So, researchers have found a new way to detect viruses rapidly with high accuracy using your smart phones. In the research paper titled “Virus detection using nanoparticles and deep neural network-enabled smartphone system,” Mohamed S.Daraz and his colleagues have developed a microchip that can be attached to a smartphone and used to detect viruses effectively.

Detecting virus is a really difficult task and usually done by blood tests, some virus detection procedures take days that slows down the overall treatment process. That is why researchers always look new ways to find viruses quickly and easily so that patients can be given quick and best treatments.

Learn Intelligent Virus Detection Method

For example, have a look at the corona test – a PCR test for corona that takes up to 72 hours for results. Although researchers have found a new method of finding viruses that can give results in just 15 minutes but is not as accurate as of the PCR test.

The virus is captured on a microchip specifically designed for the induction of gas bubbles by platinum microbes in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. The formed bubbles then make different visual patterns that are known as convolutional Neural Network in the smartphone. There is no additional hardware requirement other than microchip and that doesn’t even need to be integrated into the smartphone.

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